In the end we left the Shivananda ashram on the 26 or so (before we had intended) and went to the beach for a few days, there a Yogi aproached me who was interested in teaching me so I whent to him a few days, he was living on the rooftop of a hotel of a friend of his who had allowed him to stay there on a matres, any way, It was actually very interesting but my fealling told me that it wasn't the right thing so we left to Ammas ashram wich was just near by and she was there at the time (you know her, the hugging mother?) We got a hug from her and experienced life there a bit; enourmous buildings to be able to serve accomodation for about 5 or 7 thousand peole, you had to do about 2 or 3 hours of selfless service, the days she gave Dahrshan (hugs, her way of blessing you) she spent hours and hours, I think even over 12h, untill everybody had had a hug, just hugging one after the other... Anyway, I found her, what she does and everything arround her pretty increadible but it ist really for me. So we left Kerala, the southwest state and took a train to Chennai, right on the other side, it was a night train and it was booked out so we had a normal sitting place for the holle night! please never again! people where sleeping under the benches, there was less than no space left! Anyway, out of Chenai as fast as possible and down to a town called Mamallapuram, famous for their stone work and ancient stone work aswell, and also for a dance festival wich takes plece once a year and just then when we where there, very nice but not really my thing ;-) And from there to Pondycherry, a small state in Tamil Nadu, from there we visited Auroville on a scooter, 10km from there. The city of the future founded by the Mother, spirituall companion of Aurobindo (mabe you've heared of him) The idea was a city with no money, that belongs to no one or the hole of humanity, with the purpouse of personal and spiritual growth... we just whent for a visit so we didn't really get to know what is really going on there. After there we whent to an important hindu pilgrimidge place called Thiruvanamalai famous for the Arunachala mountain wich is said to be the form Shiva has taken now in the fisical world; there were also a lot of wester seekers here atracted by the Ashram of Rama Maharishi, a saint who spent about 50 years meditating in a few caves on the mountain, and the great number of selfrealised people who live here and who come here and give darshan, talks or meditations. We only spent 5 days here but it was defnetly a very powerfull time.
That was our last destination in the south of India, we took a 28hrs train from Chenai to Bombay to pick up Martians medicines she had left at the embassy and the same day took another 18hr train north to Ajmer in Radjastan, now we are staying in a near by town called Pushkar wich is quite touristic, but what to do. Here its very desserty wich seems to make a very peacefull atmosfere. In the sun its very hot but when night falls its freezing! we are having to adapt to the climate change.
In Ajmer we whent to see the toumb of a famous Sufi saint wich I liked very much, there is always a very special peacefull atmosfere in all these holly places after that we walked arround in what seemed to be a mouslim quarter. This was the first time that I didn't feel very comfertable, a dog ran by with a still bleading chopped off ear, and a litle later a beggear with an iron pointed stick started to get a bit aggresive at me untill I pressed a few ruppies in to his hand, other few things also happend to make us see that we weren't particularly welcome so we made it back in the other direcction...